Well Child Exams

Child Routine Checkups
Routine checkups, sometimes called well-child visits, usually occur each year starting at age 3 and continuing into the teen years.
During the checkup, the doctor:
- Measures your child’s weight and height. These measurements are plotted on a growth chart and are compared to previous and later markings to make sure the child is growing as expected.
- Checks your child’s blood pressure, hearing, and vision, and examines the child for any visible problems.
- Gives any needed immunizations.
- Talks with your child. For example, the doctor may ask about his or her friends, favorite activities, and most interesting school subjects. From this conversation, the doctor will briefly assess your child’s language skills and hearing and also perhaps his or her social skills and other developmental issues.
- Observes how you and your child interact to assess emotional and social development. The doctor will ask you questions about your child’s behavior, school performance, how your child handles difficulties, and what activities your child is involved in, among others.
Routine checkups are a good time for you to ask about what to expect. Ask your doctor about your child’s health, growth, development, or behavior. It may help you to go to your child’s checkup with a prepared list of questions.
WebMD. (2009, May 20). Retrieved from http://children.webmd.com/tc/growth-and-development-ages-6-to-10-years-routine-checkups